Gardena Homes For Sale

16008 S Vermont Avenue #16006GardenaCA90247
Save PropertyPhoto of 16008 S Vermont Avenue #16006, Gardena, CA 90247
16008 S Vermont Avenue #16006

Gardena, CA 90247


Yearbuilt: 2024
1129 Magnolia AvenueGardenaCA90247
Save PropertyPhoto of 1129 Magnolia Avenue, Gardena, CA 90247
1129 Magnolia Avenue

Gardena, CA 90247


Yearbuilt: 1971
1935 W 154th PlaceGardenaCA90249
Save PropertyPhoto of 1935 W 154th Place, Gardena, CA 90249
1935 W 154th Place

Gardena, CA 90249


Baths: 4, Beds: 6, Sqft: 2260, Yearbuilt: 1952
1731 W 144th StreetGardenaCA90247
Save PropertyPhoto of 1731 W 144th Street, Gardena, CA 90247
1731 W 144th Street

Gardena, CA 90247


Yearbuilt: 1963
1219 W 144th StreetGardenaCA90247
Save PropertyPhoto of 1219 W 144th Street, Gardena, CA 90247
1219 W 144th Street

Gardena, CA 90247


Yearbuilt: 1957
1216 W 166th StreetGardenaCA90247
Save PropertyPhoto of 1216 W 166th Street, Gardena, CA 90247
1216 W 166th Street

Gardena, CA 90247


Baths: 4, Beds: 7, Sqft: 3037, Yearbuilt: 1924
1216 W 166th StreetGardenaCA90247
Save PropertyPhoto of 1216 W 166th Street, Gardena, CA 90247
1216 W 166th Street

Gardena, CA 90247


Yearbuilt: 1924
15606 Faysmith AvenueGardenaCA90249
Save PropertyPhoto of 15606 Faysmith Avenue, Gardena, CA 90249
15606 Faysmith Avenue

Gardena, CA 90249


Baths: 2, Beds: 3, Sqft: 1322, Yearbuilt: 1947
2018 W 147th StreetGardenaCA90249
Save PropertyPhoto of 2018 W 147th Street, Gardena, CA 90249
2018 W 147th Street

Gardena, CA 90249


Baths: 2, Beds: 3, Sqft: 1520, Yearbuilt: 1955
16619 S Denver AvenueGardenaCA90248
Save PropertyPhoto of 16619 S Denver Avenue, Gardena, CA 90248
16619 S Denver Avenue

Gardena, CA 90248


Yearbuilt: 1965
15905 La Salle AvenueGardenaCA90247
Save PropertyPhoto of 15905 La Salle Avenue, Gardena, CA 90247
15905 La Salle Avenue

Gardena, CA 90247


Baths: 3, Beds: 4, Sqft: 1659, Yearbuilt: 1955
1933 W 147th StreetGardenaCA90249
Save PropertyPhoto of 1933 W 147th Street, Gardena, CA 90249
1933 W 147th Street

Gardena, CA 90249


Baths: 2, Beds: 4, Sqft: 1587, Yearbuilt: 1948